Sunday, September 03, 2006

Question of the Week - Validation Code Reuse

Question of the Week - Validation Code Reuse: "Last Friday while out on the ARCast Down Under Tour in Perth Australia someone came up to me with a question about sharing code between the client and server side in an SOA. I have to admit that after 2 weeks on the road with constant presentations I wasn't thinking too clearly and I couldn't remember how to do this. I knew I had done something like this before so here I am 5 miles above the Indian Ocean on my way to Kuala Lumpur and I decided to take this challenge on. Here goes.

Question: How can I share validation logic between server side code and client side code in my SOA?


First off let’s begin with some basics of validation in SOA. The most basic rule of all is that you should validate the content of messages. Never trust client side validation code only because anybody can create an XML message and send it to you. But suppose that you do control the client and the server and you want to share validation code across both of them. Th"

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