Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Apple is Depending on Open Source for Security

Apple is Depending on Open Source for Security: "Apple has stated that they are depending on Open Source to spare OS X the security woes plagued by Microsoft.

The operating system update, due to debut in the first half of 2005, is based on the Unix platform, and Apple executives reckon the open-source nature of the product means it's inherently more secure than certain proprietary offerings.

Bertrand Serlet, senior vice president of software at Apple, said Wednesday that having a greater number of people keeping an eye on source code leads to better software security. 'A lot of security problems derive from the core,' he said. With open-source code, 'thousands of people look at the critical portions of source code and...check those portions are right. It's a major advantage to have open-source code.' (C|net via OSDir)"

DataGrid with built-in filter functionality

DataGrid with built-in filter functionality: "A reusable component which extends the DataGrid and adds functionality for real time filtering."

3D Pie Chart

3D Pie Chart: "Here's a nice free3D Pie Chart class on CodeProject. Version 1.4 (just released) includes some bug fixes and a demo app. Purty.


Reports of Linux's death premature

Reports of Linux's death premature: "A recent Slashdot offering entitled A Look At Windows Server Outselling Linux pointed to a story on CoolTechZone with the absurd title of 'Linux is Doomed, Thanks to Microsoft.' The story, title and all, is one of the most egregiously wrong reports of the century. Here's why."

Simplifying backups

Simplifying backups: "Most computer users don't make use of a system backup tool until after they suffer the misfortunes of a hard drive crash without one. But even then, many find backup software too complicated to configure, and there seems to be little in between creating CD or DVD archives by hand and overpowered network backup systems designed for the enterprise. The Simple Backup Suite (sbackup) is a tool for configuring regular backups of system data and simplifying full and partial recoveries."

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Wrapper Class for the Multimedia Timer Functions

Wrapper Class for the Multimedia Timer Functions: "A class that makes using the Multimedia Timer functions easy and painless."

What is GAT?

GAT = Guidance Automation Toolkit

The Guidance Automation Toolkit is an extension to Visual Studio 2005 that allows architects to author rich, integrated user experiences for reusable assets including frameworks, components and patterns. The resulting Guidance Packages are composed of templates, wizards and recipes, which help developers build solutions in a way consistent with the architecture guidance.

Slides from my talk on Guidance Automation Kit are available

Slides from my talk on Guidance Automation Kit are available: "A little late, but still.
Here are the slides from the Guidance Automation Toolkit talk I did at the .NET Architects User group last month.
I also talked about LINQ, which you can download the slides for here."

Using XSLT files with the new XMLDataSource control (article)

Using XSLT files with the new XMLDataSource control (article): "Using XSLT files with the new XMLDataSource control (article)
without writing any code ...well, almost!"

Ubuntu certified for IBM's DB2

London 9th November 2005 : Ubuntu is moving into Enterprise computing with IBM's certification of Ubuntu as “Ready for IBM DB2 Software for Linux”.

Ubuntu has successfully gone through the stringent process whereby IBM ensures that DB2 Universal Database for Linux operates in the Ubuntu environment. By working closely together, IBM and Ubuntu have shown that DB2 UDB and Ubuntu deliver a stable environment in which to run business applications using DB2 as the chosen database.

A BitStream Class for the .NET Framework

A BitStream Class for the .NET Framework: "An article on reading and writing variable-length data using a BitStream class."

ASP.NET 2.0 Hosting Trial

ASP.NET 2.0 Hosting Trial: "Microsoft has setup a free 30-day, no obligation, ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 hosting service. This service is to demonstate the power of 2.0 and to show off some of the starter kits. To get started, you can visit http://www.vwdhosting.net."

Spy Drones Over the City! -- a retort

Spy Drones Over the City! -- a retort: "For some odd reason when drudge posted this article on spy drones that will be used by civilian law enforcement it caused a huge stir among people. But I don't see the big deal. People tend to have this aversion to UAVs in general equating the technology with danger. I see this a lot inside the hobbiest UAV culture where some remote-contol hobbiest call them dangerous (apprently more dangerous than a clothed ape with a remote control.. but I digress). But allow me to focus on the article from drudge and peer inside this 'flying eye in the sky!' boogeyman a bit.

1. Law enforcement already has the abilty to linger in airspace above any city. This is called a helicopter. Many police  departments in the US began to use helicopters for law enforcement after returning Korean War soldiers saw their usefulness in transporting wounded troops from the battlefield. This role was expanded to include enforcement, specifically the ability to track suspected criminals.

2. News helicopters. We have more than our share of news aircraft floating above us. How many times have to see aerial video on the TV? This is not new, in fact use of cameras in aircraft is very old.

3. Other aircraft - look up. Chances are good if you live in a urban area that you'll see an aircraft. Are they spying on you? Maybe. But most l"

Monday, November 07, 2005

Virus protector

if you seek for a good and easy to use Anti-Virus software, i'll recomend you to try
the AntiVirus of Avast company(www.avast.com).
that Antivirus is free for home use.
that antivirus is esy to use,
updated frequently without any user action.

Great AntiVirus


Seek Music on the net

There are some ways to seek music on the net.
here is a list of software on the net:
  1. Emule - a bit clamzy, somtimes slow.
  2. Kaza - fast but virus, worms and attacks are came with that software.
  3. Bittorrent - fast download but difficult to search.
  4. SoulSeek (www.slsknet.org) - fast download and easy to use.
have fun